Star signs: a relationship travel map or rocky roads ahead?

Astrology you can find a prediction based on your star sign in just about any newspaper nowadays, but how reliable are they, especially in predicting something like a relationship’s compatibility?

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines astrology as “the divination of the supposed influences of the stars and planets on human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects,” and notes that the practice has existed since the 14th century.

However, divination based on the heavens under various titles dates back almost as far as recorded history.

Although the astrological community was considered to be so for a long time, the scientific community has largely rejected astrology in recent years as an objective science. An article by UC Berkeley explains the reasoning for this being that astrological predictions are difficult to test in black and white terms, and conclusions are largely subjective and vague to the individual.

In general, while there are few serious practitioners or observers of astrology, many would be considered a ‘dabbler’ in the subject. According to a Pew Research Center study, 1 in 3 Americans, and about 1 in 4 American Christians, believe in astrology to some degree. 

Most of the time, people only read charts that they come across, rather than actively searching for them.

“If I see a prediction, I’ll definitely look through it,” said Lauren Baechel, a junior art education major, about star sign listings. “But I usually don’t take them very seriously.” 

Astrological signs are divided into 12 roughly month-long periods, each named after a specific notable constellation visible during that time. Most of them are animal figures, like Pisces ‘the Fish’ or Capricorn ‘the Goat.But a few, such as Sagittarius ‘the Archer’ or Gemini ‘the Twins’, are humanoid.

Although the Zodiac signs have a long and diverse history, they follow the conventions of modern astronomy in using names from Greek or Roman mythology.

They also associate each of the four traditional elementsair, earth, fire and waterwith a three-month period of the year corresponding to three of the signs. Leo ‘the Lion,’ for example, is considered to be a ‘fire sign.’

More serious observers of astrology might consult a synastry chart or reading to predict a relationship’s successfulness or compatibility. “Relationship” does not necessarily refer to romantic partners; charts can also be read for connections with coworkers, friends or family members. A synastry might involve the two peoples’ Zodiac signs, or it may only use the associated elements for each.

“I’m doing it how I did tarot, in connecting current day/feelings/event to phases and alignment to better understand future meanings,” said junior theatre major Morgan Stephens of reading astral changes.

“As a cancer, my planet is the moon,” Stephens said. “For me, the days leading to a full moon are stressful, and after it’s more calm. Other water signs tend not to ‘vibe’ with me but I do well with fire signs in relation to my current relationships to people.”

Moving forward, should you consult the stars before starting a journey or relationship?

The best answer is ‘if you think you should’ and that’s supported by science. According to a Harvard study, when a group of people was given a placebo that was explicitly labeled ‘placebo’ on the bottle, 59% of them still reported significant improvement compared to 35% of the control group.

So, if you are naturally superstitious, or even if you just choose to consult with an open mind, there’s a decent chance that you will have positive results, regardless of whether or not a higher power is at work.

Astrological predictions are seldom explicitly negative, and both guides and individual readers usually remind the user that free will always takes precedence. This means that there isn’t really a downside, so if it works for you, then you should do it.

Photo by Olivia Esselman

By Wren Brooke

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