
Modern holidays

Modern holidays

How traditions are changing with the times Some holiday traditions are quickly becoming far and few between as families replace them with newer and more innovative ways to celebrate their…
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To buy or not to buy

To buy or not to buy

The question about college textbooks: why are they so expensive and why do we need to buy them? Textbooks are standard works used for the study of a particular subject.…
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Sci-fi is cool again

Sci-fi is cool again

Stranger Things returned for its second season on Oct. 27. This, to me, was like adult Christmas Morning I watched the first season of Stranger Things last winter break, on a…
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Who controls our votes?

Who controls our votes?

Supreme Court questions the legality of redrawing district lines through gerrymandering Many of us hear the word “gerrymandering” for the first time during high school. However, after class, we tend…
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