The newest game in the Destiny series makes a big splash with gamers Destiny 2, the widely popular online first-person shooter game, was released on Sept. 6 and so far…
Remember when you were younger and watched cartoons? Some cartoons stuck out more than others like “Avatar the Last Airbender” and “Teen Titans.” There was drama, action, character depth and…
How memes are becoming the new brand of humor in college students Memes are a form of art that continue to evolve on an exponential basis. Everyone who has seen…
Students, faculty, staff and even Rock Hill citizens bring life to Winthrop’s campus during the week. Common Time is the busiest part of the week. Students gather on Scholar’s Walk…
Apple is becoming overrated Apple is a company that was founded for the average citizen, the company created a computer that could be in any household. Yet, they want us…
The documentary, “What the Health”, is taking over the internet, but is it fact or fiction? In 2017, directors Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, the creators behind “Cowspiracy,” released a…
Is TV the right place for politics? Many television shows and movies released recently steer the audience in a more political direction. Shows like Scandal and House of Cards offer…
A new California ballot measure would make abortion equivalent to first degree murder The normalization of anti-abortion speech has gone too far. A petition to make abortion a first degree murder…
Steven King’s infamous tale has come back to life and has returned to theaters The clown that sparked generations of irrational fear has, after 27 years, found his way back…
State and local elections have a huge effect Winthrop issues and U.S. laws Many college students feel that local elections are not as important as the presidential election and do…