
Shedding a new light

Shedding a new light

Since the major success of Marvel’s “Black Panther” with a star-studded all black cast, the new movies that are coming out seem to have a different perspective and shed a…
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Money vs. construction

Money vs. construction

Upperclassmen have probably noticed the new signs in the dining areas DiGiorgio and Thomson that came as a result of the switch to Sodexo. Thurmond, which has been under construction…
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Allyship and Pride: where is the line?

Allyship and Pride: where is the line?

The LGBTQ+ community is vast, with a broad spectrum that can make nearly anyone feel included. However heterosexual people question where they fit in. Supporters of the movement have applied…
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Two cents

Two cents

Hi, I’m Shealy, and I like talking to people, hearing their opinions on pop culture, listening in about something minuscule that happened in their day and so much more! There…
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Keeping up with your boo from afar

Keeping up with your boo from afar

Jay, my boyfriend, spent some time with me for a weekend before I moved back to college. We perused around Northwoods Mall in North Charleston, laughed together at some Twitch…
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Winthrop as a safe space

Winthrop as a safe space

Coming from the southern tourist town of Myrtle Beach, I did not have the highest expectations for friendliness towards the LGBTQ+ community when I started college. I expected to be…
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Pros and cons of going greek

Pros and cons of going greek

Greek life varies from campus to campus. Everyone who joins a chapter has their own experience. Just because your best friend joined a sorority doesn’t mean that you’ll love the…
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