A college student sits down at a regal club and begins a drinking contest with an elderly loan shark. While they drink, the loan shark states how life is empty…
One of the rising stars in Winthrop University’s Theatre Department, Amery Miller, considers theatre as a way to continue doing what he has loved since high school. With a passion…
For incoming science students, there are multiple student organizations that can help along their career path. Currently on campus there are four student organizations that cater for students in a…
With fast fashion plastered on every corner and in every shopping mall, Lori Benson went against the status quo when she created her boutique, Style Recycled. Style Recycled is a…
A wide array of works is almost always on display at Winthrop University. This fall will bring some great performances from the theatre department, but a special performance will also…
Food El Cancun The most authentic and delicious Mexican food you’ll find this side of the border. With it being just a short drive away from campus, it’ll soon become…
To kick off Welcome Week, DSU (metaphorically) pitched a big top tent over Byrnes Auditorium and welcomed the performers of the Imagine Circus. Those in attendance were treated to a…
A new addition into the 3D platformer genre in video games is the charming crowd funded video game A Hat in Time by Jonas Kærlev and his small studio Gears…
Winthrop implemented its first bike share program just before summer vacation as a way to curb greenhouse gases caused by motorized vehicles and become more connected to the city of…
Every year, incoming Winthrop University students have to adapt to the new format of learning with digital and print resources, implemented by professors, for studying. Aside from the helpfulness and…