College Democrats Statement of Support for President Daniel Mahony

News editor’s note:

Although on his way out the door, ever-popular Winthrop President Dan Mahony has received a tremendous outpouring of support from many Winthrop University students. The president of the WU Democrats reached out to The Johnsonian and provided the following statement expressing their view on Mahony and the way he has led the university.

Statement from the Winthrop University College Democrats:

The Winthrop University Chapter of College Democrats would like to express unwavering support for outgoing University President Dr. Daniel Mahony. Dr. Mahony has governed this institution with heart and skill throughout his tenure here at Winthrop. He has operated with the utmost integrity, and he has always been student-centered. There was never any doubt that Dr. Mahony always had the best interests of the faculty, staff, students, and the University at large as his number one priority.

The Johnsonian recently ran a headline that read that Dr. Mahony did not want to leave Winthrop. As President of College Democrats and a campus student leader, I do not doubt that this true. After a lovely lunch with Dr. Mahony, I now miss him more than ever, and his vision for Winthrop was one of progress, inclusion and, most of all, the finest education a South Carolina institution could possibly offer. Dr. Mahony is one of a kind as a University President and as a human being, and his ouster is nothing short of devastating for us as students and as an institution. It is my absolute honor as President of Winthrop University College Democrats to extend out support as a student organization in the strongest possible terms. Dr, Mahony, I hope we meet again in the future.

Winthrop Everstand,

Shannon D. Barber

President, Winthrop University College Democrats

By The Johnsonian

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