From Instagram to engagement: Kayla Bumgarner and David Abner’s relationship

Kayla & David's Engagement Kayla Bumgarner (L) and David Abney (R) posing for their engagement photos Photo creds - Kayla Bumgarner

After more than three years of dating, on Sept. 23, 2022, Winthrop student David Abner popped the question to his girlfriend and Winthrop graduate, Kayla Bumgarner.

“David told me we were going to take pictures together as an anniversary gift for us and I had some suspicions he may propose, but I kept talking myself out of it because I didn’t want to get my hopes up. We got to Winthrop Lake to take the pictures and started walking around and everything seemed too normal, so I was like, ‘this isn’t happening.’

After a little bit, I was getting sad because I really wanted to get engaged that night and then as we were walking to the next photo location, I sat my ‘emotional support water bottle’ down and I turned around and David was on one knee in front of a bunch of photos of us hanging in the trees. He said this really sweet thing, but I honestly cannot remember a word he said other than ‘will you marry me?’ and I said ‘yes!’” Kayla Bumgarner, a 2021 graduate said.

David Abney, who graduated in December 2022, then commented on his perspective of the proposal.

“I had someone take pictures of us as a late birthday/anniversary gift, so we got to Winthrop Lake, took some pictures and then we arrived at the actual spot where I popped the question. She had turned away to put down her water and I got the ring from the photographer and the next thing Kayla knew I was on one knee. I don’t remember everything I had said, but I know that those sentences were the most perfect and I didn’t stutter or stammer over any words, which is rare for me not to do.”

The newly engaged couple met back when Kayla was a sophomore and David was a freshman.

“I was scrolling through Instagram one day and saw that she went to WU and I wanted to get to know her since I knew no one going into my freshman year at WU. I started asking her about different on-campus groups and events and that is how she introduced me to BCM. She also got me involved in a local church- Catawba Baptist,” Abner said.

Since then, their relationship has grown and so has their love. Both stated that their lives have been greatly impacted by the presence of the other.

“ I was in a bad spot honestly and she showed me what actual love and grace felt like. She was patient with me even when I went through different struggles. She has helped me become a better man and a stronger man of God,” Abner said.

“David has helped me so much since we have been together! I have always been a very anxious and panicky person and David helps calm me down and actually works through my feelings and problems. He encourages me every day to be a better person,” Bumgamer said.

“Every memory with David is great! David used to have a really old, junky car and it would leak water inside on your head whenever it rained and the first time I met his family we rode in that car and it broke down 10 miles from his exit and I was so embarrassed. The memories about driving that car and all the issues are always so funny to me.”

Bumgamer also commented on how she enjoys being around Abner’s family,

“Spending time with David’s family is always so memorable to me. He is one of four siblings and he has a bunch of nieces and nephews. I don’t have as big of a family so it’s always so different being with them. I love the chaos and constant laughter when we’re all together. They always tell me the weirdest and funniest stories about David; my favorite is that he used to suck his toes when he was little. One of the funniest times was when we all took a trip to Oklahoma City to visit some family and I roomed with David’s mom. She apparently screams in her sleep and no one told me… I woke up very terrified.”

For Abner, his favorite memory of Bumgamer is “too hard to try and narrow down to one specific story, so I will just say that I love it when we go places and Kayla sees something that truly excites her and her inner kid comes out. I think about when we went to a butterfly exhibit and how she was so happy the whole time just made me happier.”

When asked about the moment they knew they were in love, their responses differed.

Abner said, “After our first conversation, I just had a feeling that she was the one so it was really easy to tell that I was in love.”

On the other hand, Bumgamer said, “It actually took me a while to realize I was in love. I was so scared of letting my true feelings show but after some time I realized I truly loved him and could see myself spending the rest of our lives together.”

For others who are searching for their special someone or are not sure if they have found the one or not, the couple gives some advice.

“Find someone who can pour into you spiritually and someone who will be by your side through the good and bad. It is so important to make sure you put the Lord first in the relationship,” Bumgamer said.

Abner also said, “When the hard times come, continue to be patient with the other person. Show the other person genuine love and put God first in the relationship.”

For Abner and Bumgamer, they say that they draw their strength in their relationship through their religion.

“Having God at the center of our relationship has made our relationship so much stronger because we are serving each other and God at the same time,” Abner said.

When asked about their upcoming plans for Valentine’s Day, Bumgamer shares that for the couple “This year we are getting 50 cent TACOS! I am so excited because tacos are our favorite! We want to have tacos at our wedding.”

While the two have been positive about their relationship, they are also realistic that things may not always be the greatest. The goal is to have patience and work together.

Bumgamer said, “Valentine’s Day is all about love and that is so great! I just want to encourage people who may not be in the best relationship or that may not feel like their relationship is as good as other people’s. Relationships are hard and they require time, work and energy to sustain. David and I have had times that weren’t the best and I don’t want anyone to get the idea that we have had a picture-perfect relationship since we have been together. It’s important to see and understand that couples will go through struggles and disagreements, but working through that together should bring you closer.”

By Zoe Jenkins

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