CSL approves charter for cheerleading club

New cheer club will teach basics of cheerleading and tumbling, along with exercises to promote awareness of cheer as a sport

A new cheerleading club joins the ranks of Winthrop student organizations in the form of WU Cheer.


The club’s charter was approved by the Winthrop University Council of Student Leaders at the March 21 meeting. The club aims to promote awareness of the cheerleading sport and teach the basics of tumbling and other cheer techniques.


The group will be open to all but have a regular team as well as a competition team. The club will aim to accommodate and provide useful experiences for cheerleaders of all skill levels.


The club will partner with the already established Spirit Squad, Winthrop’s cheerleading team that performs at university men’s and women’s basketball games, to create cheerleading events for Winthrop community members.

For more information related to the club’s management, contact CSL@winthrop.edu.

By Chase Duncan

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