Invasion of privacy among smart home devices

Concerns regarding the use of smart home devices

When it comes to making home life easier, smart home devices like Amazon Alexa, Amazon Echo, Google Nest Hub or Samsung SmartThings Hub allow you to make and receive calls, play music, get weather updates, find new recipes, ask questions or even grocery shop, all with just the sound of your voice


Many have inquired about whether these smart home devices take and store information from third-party devices and whether there is an invasion of privacy among these devices. 


Amazon says Alexa needs to know the “state” of your devices to “enable a great smart home experience.” 


Amazon’s Alexa collects its user’s information such as their name, phone number, device location, IP address and names and numbers of contacts. While smartphones and laptops do the same thing, iPhones and MacBooks store all of the user’s information in its system and will let users know that it has their information by asking if the user wants to use the autofill option when filling out questions asking for personal information. This includes names, addresses, credit card information, social security numbers and any information completed on an online form in the past. 


While Alexa does not record all conversations, it does record what is said after its name is called or the device action button is pressed, and then sends that recording to the cloud. 


Senior accounting major Rachael Whittaker owns an Alexa.


“There is an invasion of privacy when it comes to Alexa. Information is everywhere and easily accessible already,” Whittaker said.


Another issue that can be an invasion of privacy with smart devices is giving hackers and intruders access to the owner’s home. This issue can happen if the device is too close to doors and windows, if one does not maintain a special security pin, or if you do not have a strong Wi-Fi connection, someone can hack into your device. Lack of these precautions allows intruders and hackers access to get inside of your home if you have other smart home devices like the lock on your door or your security system. 

If you are looking to buy Amazon smart home devices or already possess one, keep these concerns in mind as this may prevent you from being hacked or prevent your personal information from being given out.

By Devyn Brown

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