Police Blotter 11/10

On Nov. 10, the Reporting Officer (R/O) responded to Richardson Hall in reference to an assault that had just occurred. Once on scene, the R/O met with the complainant, who stated that the victim had been punched in the face by the suspect. The complainant then showed the R/O surveillance footage of the incident. At this time, the R/O met with the victim, as well as several witnesses who all stated that they were playing a card game with the suspect in the common area of Richardson when he made a joke directed towards the victim, who then pushed the suspect’s phone onto the table.


The suspect then reached over and punched the victim on the right side of her face, knocking her from her chair, and then continued to hit her until he was stopped by a witness. At this time, the R/O called for EMS to check the victim and began searching the building for the suspect. The R/O first checked the suspect’s room but was unable to locate him. 


The R/O then returned to the scene of the incident and found that EMS had arrived and that the suspect had returned to the room. The R/O then spoke with the suspect, who stated that he had no recollection of ever hitting the victim and had possibly “blacked out.” The R/O then took the suspect into custody, read him his Miranda Rights, and transported him to the Rock Hill City Jail. The suspect was issued a citation for assault and battery third degree. The victim was taken by EMS to Piedmont Medical Center at her request.


The R/O then met with the victim at Piedmont Medical Center and explained to her the victim notification form, as well as her rights as a victim. The victim also completed a statement detailing her account of the incident. The R/O then escorted the victim to her residence at Margaret Nance Hall and advised her to contact WUPD if she had any concerns or questions regarding the incident. 


By Sarah Hassler

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