Canon Comic Book Characters Coming Out

DC Comics revealed that one of its most iconic superheroes, Tim Drake, commonly known as Robin, is an LGBTQ character. Drake, a bisexual, is one of many characters who have been recently revealed as a member of the LGBTQ community.

Recently, DC Comics published an anthological series that stars multiple Gotham City heroes in personalized tales, with characters like Batwoman, the Outsiders and Oracle receiving their own jaunt into the spotlight. The most recent issue on Aug. 10 featured a story starring former Robin and Young Justice member Drake.

In the story, Drake finds himself wrapped up in an adventure with an old friend named Bernard Dowd as Drake works to save him from the mysterious Cult of Dionysus. As Drake works to protect Dowd, he also grapples with who he is away from the Bat-mask.

As he saves Dowd, Drake self-analyzes. In the process, his inner monologue reveals that he is starting to develop feelings for Bernard. As the issue ends, Drake and Dowd agree to go on a date, leaving their relationship to be explored in a future issue of Urban Legends.

The reveal of Drake as bisexual is a significant turning point in the young hero’s life, and he is not the only one to have such a revelation. In the pages of both Marvel and DC, more characters grapple with their sexualities.

Marvel’s Viv Vision, the daughter of the synthezoid Avenger himself, revealed that she is queer when she develops emotions for her teammate, Riri Williams.

After a long history of relationships with famous X-Women like Polaris and Kitty Pryde, Iceman reveals his homosexuality while in fear of prosecution for being both a mutant and gay.

Famous anti-heroes like DC’s Harley Quinn and eco-terrorist Poison Ivy have revealed that they are in love and they begin a relationship on the hit HBO Max show “Harley Quinn.”

Some fans appreciate the increase in representation while other fans see Marvel and DC character alterations as an attempt to increase profits. Additionally, Marvel and DC are accused of not dedicating enough time to developing characters and storylines.

“Batman: Urban Legends” issues #1 through #6 is out now, with issues #4 through #6 featuring Drake’s coming-out story, created by Meghan Fitzmartin and Belén Ortega.
“Marvel Voices: Pride” one-shot for the Marvel fans and the “DC Pride” special for DC fans are sources where fans can read more about LGBTQ characters.

By Gabriel Corbin

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