Are we all artists in our own way?

The word “artist” is commonly used to describe someone who is well known for a work of art they have completed. But is that the only way to be an artist?

According to, an artist is “a person who produces works in any of the arts that are primarily subject to aesthetic criteria.”

While people create art every day without recognition, many create for their own pleasure and interests. However, this does not make them any less of an artist. Being an artist is not defined by if one can advertise, sell or share their work. Instead, the only thing an artist has to do is create.

Art can be expressed through various outlets such as dance, painting, singing, filmmaking, collaging and writing. Although, these genres of art are not the only way people can be artists.

“I think that anyone can be an artist,” sophomore chemistry major Mason Mattison said. “If you write poetry, play covers, or doodle in your notebook during class, you are an artist.”

It can be disheartening for someone to create a piece of art and not be recognized, fail to win the competitions they enter or have their process of creating art disrespected because of how others view it.

Junior dance education major Jala Smith shared how she is an artist as a dancer.

“An artist is someone who has something to display or show and express to the world,” Smith said. “You can be an artist [by] accepting your flaws, insecurities, and finding a way to express and overcome them.”

The variety of art forms in the world are necessary if we want to live somewhere that is full of diversity and new things. New clothes and clothing trends would not be possible if creative minds never shared their ideas. Although the people who create in the fashion industry are called designers rather than artists, they are still artists, in a way, because they are creating. It may not seem like art or fit the description of “art” as it is commonly known, but it is still art because it is a visual expression of that designer’s own-making.

While those who are creating in their own way should embrace the work they construct and their ability to generate new ideas and creations, art is also an approach for people to express themselves and contribute to society.

Junior sports management major Patrick Williams said that artists should “just continue to be themselves and leave their footprint in the genre of art they are interested in, and by doing this, people can embrace their artistic abilities.”

As you continue to brainstorm your next project, it is important to remember that anyone can be an artist or creator, even if their ideas do not fit a certain definition. That means thinking outside of the box and stepping out of your comfort zone.

“Cherish everything that you make and never give up on your medium,” Mattison said. “it’s okay if it takes you ten seconds or ten years to create something, you are still an artist.”

Photo by Jamia Johnson

By Sam Hyatt

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