Spring semester slump: how to start the new year off right

2020 was hard to get through academically, but 2021 is offering a second chance.


There is so much happening in 2021, with the beginning of in-person classes once more. Even though COVID-19 is still a threat, the show must go on. This will be the first global pandemic the Winthrop community has endured and overcome together since the Spanish influenza in 1918.


While the upcoming semester may be daunting, there are ways to prepare for it—both mentally and physically. Preparing for the start of the spring will help students feel more in control during an unpredictable time. Being prepared will also allow students to start the semester without worrying about being caught off guard.


What are some ways to prepare for the upcoming semester?


Students and teachers alike recommend investing in a planner. Writing down assignment deadlines and professor office hours can help students manage their time by knowing when to begin an assignment and when to ask for teacher feedback. It can also help students to set up a study schedule. Knowing when to do work helps students figure out when they will have free time.


It is also recommended that students initiate contact with their professors before the first day of class. By emailing professors to introduce themselves and ask preliminary questions, students will be making a good first impression. These small interactions can determine how students get along with professors for the remainder of the semester.


Reaching out to peers and family members is also heavily encouraged. Students can often feel overwhelmed or pressured into success, so having a strong support system can help students feel more in control of their workload. By asking others for help and emotional guidance, students can take care of their mental health while still succeeding academically.


Finding a hobby to engage with while not in classes can also help students. By having an activity to look forward to in their spare time, students can have an escape from academic stress. Relaxing hobbies can vary from playing video games to hiking—just make sure to get assignments done before the due date creeps up.


There are also plenty of tasks to check off the todo list before the spring semester can officially start.


Students taking on-campus classes are required to report a COVID-19 test to the university by Jan. 19, so it is imperative that students take this into consideration when scheduling the upcoming month. Free testing will be available at the Coliseum for the spring semester.


Acquiring textbooks is also a task that must be completed before classes begin. These books are important for students to complete research and assignments and can be used for future classes. Dacus Library has a reserve of textbooks if students cannot afford to purchase or rent a copy.


Scheduling appointments with the Academic Success Center tutoring team will help students take advantage of free resources that can help them succeed in their classes. Even if students cancel their appointment, just having this resource will allow them to ask for help when they need it…instead of waiting until the week before finals.


The upcoming spring semester is upon Winthrop University, which means that the lull of winter break will soon be over. However, that doesn’t mean that students should be stressed or unprepared for their classes. By following these tips, students will be able to take charge of their semester and hopefully succeed.


Photo by Jamia Johnson

By Autumn Hawkins

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