Gun violence and kindness

One of the most common things college students hear is the (often unsolicited) advice to “get involved.” 

Between a full schedule that consists of some combination of classes, work, a social life and sleep, it may seem like a difficult task to find the time to add something else to one’s plate. While being told over and over to “get involved” may quickly become tiresome, it is nonetheless an important part of life as a college student. 

Winthrop University has a wide enough variety of organizations on campus that, theoretically, any student should be able to find something that interests them or that they are passionate about. 

Lucy Lamphier is the president of March For Our Lives Winthrop. Lamphier said that the organization was founded during the current semester and is “intent on spreading awareness for gun violence, educating about policies and promoting change towards increased gun control.”

The subject of gun violence is something that hit close to home for her. “I founded the group because the mission is close to my heart — I lived 10 minutes from the Newtown shooting and have been an active supporter of gun control since,” Lamphier said.

Madeline Chuvalas is the president of The Dandelion Project Club. Chuvalas said that the origins of the club date back to last semester but that the group became active this semester.

“The mission of The Dandelion Project is to be a place rooted in the belief that kind deeds spread, inclusivity creates community, and relationships make the Winthrop experience. We strive to be a safe community for students to come and feel welcomed and loved by their peers,” Chuvalas said. “Our number one goal is to provide students with a place where they are loved no matter what. Following that main goal, we strive to bring kindness and positivity to campus through loving one another and completing kind deeds on campus. I would love to see The Dandelion Project provide a place for more students who have yet to find their core community at Winthrop. Creating and growing relationships within Dandelion and on campus is a big part of what we hope to do. “

Chuvalas said that when she first came to Winthrop, she struggled to find an organization where she felt like she was “meeting people who differ” from her. 

“All of our organizations are wonderful, but many of them require a common factor, such as a sport, hobby, or belief. I really wanted to find a place where I could meet all kinds of people and grow my community at Winthrop. That is when I came up with The Dandelion Project. I wanted to create a positive space rooted in kindness and love where all are welcome,” Chuvalas said.

While gun violence can be a heavy subject, Lamphier said that MOFLW is a “lowkey organization intent on change while still having some fun.”

As for what the future holds, Lamphier said that the organization has two events coming up this month and that “we’d love for anyone interested to check them out.”

Chuvalas said that The Dandelion Project “isn’t perfect” but that the members “love each other and this campus.”

“Our meetings consist of getting to know each other, listening to a positive message, having discussion, and planning kind deeds on campus. We would love to meet and get to know you,” Chuvalas said.


Photo courtesy of the dandelion Project

By Matt Thrift

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