Midpoint check-in

We’ve hit the halfway mark in the semester. By now, the joys of being on your own, either for the first time or again, have likely worn off, and stress about grades is probably truly setting in. Now that you’ve found out your interim grades and have decided which, if any, class to S/U, things are really getting real. Here’s how to keep your head above water for the rest of the semester.


  1. Take a moment to breathe. For the past two months, we have been under a lot of pressure, both from schoolwork and from social pressure. Take a step back from everything for a moment and give yourself time to process before trying anything else. Decompressing is the best way to start taking care of yourself.
  2. Practice basic self-care. Sometimes self-care calls for face masks and iced coffee, but sometimes it’s cleaning up your room and washing your sheets. By taking care of yourself, you are setting yourself up for success and not feeling like your life is a physical mess.
  3. Remember why you’re here. If you feel yourself getting lost and unmotivated, go back to the start of the year. What were your goals? What were you most excited about? Write these things down so you can remember why you’re putting yourself through this stress at school.
  4. If you’re feeling constantly overwhelmed, try to do more planning. Living life ready to do whatever, whenever is fun sometimes, but it’s not the best idea when it comes to schoolwork. By planning out when you will be accomplishing work, you will be able to complete assignments on time and not have that nagging feeling in the back of your mind that you have something due while you’re trying to have fun with friends.
  5. Wash your hands and get your flu shot. It’s cold and flu season and we are all living in very close quarters. Watch out for your future self and your friends by getting your flu shot and taking care of yourself. CVS will be in the commuter lounge in the West Center on Oct. 24 from 9 a.m. to noon, offering students flu shots for $25. 

Graphic: Elizabeth Talbert/ The Johnsonian

By Victoria Howard

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