In This House

Winthrop’s theatre and dance department prides itself on giving students the opportunity to direct their own shows. The department kicked off it’s spring 2019 season with In This House a multimedia and dance performance show directed by grad student Jacqueline Cron.

Cron is going for her masters in dance education at Winthrop. This was her first time directing a show. “I learned a lot about directing and editing film,” Cron said, “and focusing on little details within a full production.”

In This House focuses on one main character, a girl, who is looking back on past relationships and trying to find meaning in each one and how it shaped her into the person she is at the end of the show. The end focuses on the girl finding a feeling of content within herself and her current life,” Cron remarked, “The setting is her home and most of the “stories” occur within her own space and that kind of influences who she is. “she has this want to create happiness within the space, whether it is with these relationships or on her own.”

Cron proved her directing skills and represented Winthrop’s theatre and dance department well with In This House. She also had her appendix taken out the day before opening night and that did not stop her from being there for her production cast and crew.

After college she wants to “get a teaching job at a middle or high school and find a small company to join or have other experiences in performing.”


By Dean of Students Office/Publications

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