Eagles spread the love

Feb. 14th is dreaded by many,  whether someone is in a relationship or not. For those in relationships, there are the societal pressures of going all out to show someone you love them. For those who are single Valentine’s Day might as well be hailed as “Single’s Awareness Day.” However, Winthrop University hosts several themed-events around this season of love to get everyone involved and students have their own unique ways of celebrating this special day.

On Feb. 5, Winthrop got an early start on Valentine’s Day festivities. The office of Military, Adult and Transfer services hosted “Valentines for Vets in Digs. The office of Military, Adult and Transfer services hosts a variety of events to make transfer and nontraditional students feel more at home at Winthrop but every student is welcome to attend. This event allowed students to create a valentine for a former service member to thank them for their service.

Renee Holliday, who is on staff at Winthrop, helped host the event. “It’s a yearly event to say thank you to vets,” Holliday said, “We have been doing it for 4 years now.” The cards will be on display in Digs until they are delivered to veterans.

For those still looking for some fun Valentine’s Day themed events on campus, Winthrop has some great opportunities. From Feb. 11-14, students can visit Scholar’s Walk from 10:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. and write what love means to them on a heart shaped cut out and then add that heart on a poster titled “What Does Love Mean to You?”

Fear not singles; Winthrop will also host a speed dating event on Feb. 13 at 7:00pm in Richardson Ballroom. The event will feature a discussion on the struggle of dating in college and where Valentine’s Day came from.

On Feb. 14, the French club will host a Valentine’s Bake Sale in Digs during common time and will feature classic french pastries for students to indulge and embrace their love of food. The DSU will also host an animal stuffing event for a small price. The event will be in Richardson from common time until 1:30 p.m.

Of course, some students have their own traditions for Valentine’s Day. A popular way for groups of female friends in particular to celebrate and empower themselves during this time is Galentine’s celebrations. This can include going for a girls night out or attending some actual Galentine’s events around the area. Some start at the beginning of the month and celebrate through Feb. 14.

Sam Lee is a senior theatre major and this year was her first time celebrating Galentine’s. She has made several posts on her instagram each day giving thanks for her friends and encouraging them. “My friend group on campus usually does Galentine’s day posts and I usually never jumped on the wagon,” Lee said, “This year I actually have a boyfriend I’ll be spending Valentine’s day with but I wanted my friends to know they are special to me too. Even though some may not have someone to spend the holiday with, I wanted them to know they are still loved and appreciated.”

By Dean of Students Office/Publications

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