Freshman for local political party

Freshman, Malik Frazier, runs for Second Vice Chair of York County

Malik Frazier is running for Second Vice Chair of York County Democratic Party. Frazier is a freshman political science major from Rock Hill.

“I feel that it’s time for new leadership, and young leadership at that,” Malik said. “I’ve been active in my community here in York County all my life because I’ve lived here. I’ve always considered myself as a democrat. I’m just lucky to be running.”

Frazier said he has been interested in politics for quite some time. Some of his biggest inspirations are in politics.

“I started out when I saw Obama raise his hand when he became president and that kind of got me started. I saw a black man in office and I thought that I could probably do this, so I could help out my community and that’s what I love most about it,” Frazier said.

If elected, Frazier said he has big plans for York County.

“My goal is to engage and get more young people involved in the democratic party. Now, we see a bunch of older folks; we don’t see a great number of millennials getting involved in politics because maybe they think their vote doesn’t matter, and it actually does,” he said.

He has already set up a five-point system in which he would like to begin working on immediately.

“My first point is to engage in the people in the political process here in York County. My second plan is to register and target African-American voters. My third plan is to organize a precept, so we know when election time comes we can get those parts elected locally and federally. My fourth goal is to visit the local high schools that have known democratic high school clubs because I think that’s where we can recruit the young people so that we can actually find local candidates for these candidates. The fifth point is to recruit more experienced candidates to run for office,” Frazier said.

According to Frazier, his course material at Winthrop University is beneficial in his political career. He said,“Right now I’m taking State and Local Government with Dr. John Holder, which has been benefiting me, and I also took 201, that’s an Introduction to American Government, with Dr. Belk. I know American Government, but I’m learning more than what I thought I knew about it.”

Frazier said he hopes Winthrop students will get engaged in their community.

“I would like to encourage all Winthrop students to get politically involved. Know who your congressmen are. Know who your mayor is. Know who your elected officials are so you can hold them accountable,” Frazier said.

Voting will take place tomorrow, Feb. 22 and the convention will start at 6: 00 p.m.

By Staff Writer

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