Eagle of the Week: Julie Reinertsen

Junior golfer Julie Reinertsen tries for a birdie with the Eagles

Julie Reinertsen is a junior on the Winthrop women’s golf team.  She’s is an international business major who was born and raised in Oslo, Norway.  She got involved in golf because her older sister played.

“I have always looked up to her and done what she did,” Reinertsen said.  What began as a fun family activity became competitive as the two got older and eventually led Reinertsen to become the Division 1 athlete that she is today.

Reinertsen has been very successful in her time with the Eagles.  She has been named Big South Women’s Golfer of the Week two times, overall Golfer of the Week once, placed in the top three in more than three individual tournaments and has been named an All-American Scholar by the Women’s Golf Coaches Association for two years running.

Julie Reinertsen, a native of Norway, looks forward to the spring season after a successful two years with the Eagles.

When asked about the team’s fall performance Reinertsen said, “we finished top five in all four tournaments and we finished second in the Bill Berg Invitational and our Winthrop Tournament.”  Reinertsen is looking forward to this spring season.  Their first tournament is this weekend at Amelia Island.  According to Reinertsen, it is a really strong course and there is potential for the team to perform really well.

Looking ahead, the women’s golf team will travel to Utah in March to play in a few tournaments.  Reinertsen spoke to the fact that golf wise, the western part of the country is very difficult and extremely different than the courses in the South.

Coming from Norway, Reinertsen had to do a lot of adjusting.  For her, the hardest part was the language barrier, but once she got accustomed to the language, the change wasn’t too difficult.  The girls on the team really feel like a family and helped Reinertsen to become more comfortable speaking English.  Reinertsen said another hard adjustment in moving to the United States was the food; she misses the food back home the most.

After college, Reinertsen hopes to travel the world before heading home and getting a job in Norway.  Reinertsen is an elephant enthusiast and her dream would be to live in Africa while volunteering at an elephant reserve.

By Staff Writer

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