Oprah’s shocking interview with Prince Harry & Meghan

On Sunday March 7, many curious viewers tuned in to CBS, which aired an exclusive program of Oprah Winfrey interviewing former Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan Markel concerning the rumors of their time with the royal family and their departure. 


In the first hour of the interview, Markel told Winfrey about her first meetings with the royal family and how they all seemed welcoming to her even during the time she and Harry were dating. 


As the interview continued, Markel began sharing information about the royal family and the institution that has not been heard before, however, she did so without exposing members of the family individually. 


Markel was able to bring clarity to several stories and rumors that were scattered across television screens and newspaper headlines. One specific rumor concerned Markel making Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, cry. Markel explained that Middleton actually made her cry and said the rumor before was false. 


Ashley Moore, a secondary English education major said, “I was intrigued to learn about the incident with Kate and to find out that Kate is the one that made Meghan cry, but Meghan let the viewer know that Kate apologized, and they had no problems regarding the incident.”


A major point that Markel shared about the royal family was their concern about Archie having a darker skin color due to her ethnic makeup. According to Markel, members of the royal family had conversations with Harry concerning his then unborn child’s skin color and was a major component of Archie not having the title as a duke nor having security. 


While discussing this topic, Markel was choked up, which leads me to believe that the conversation in question really happened and that she was genuinely upset because of the racist comments being made about her then unborn child. It was shocking to hear that members of the royal family were making racist remarks, but unfortunately, it seems to be a huge possibility from the way the interview went. 


“I think it’s absolutely inappropriate coming from the royal family, but I am happy that Meghan and Harry are coming forward about this,” said Austin Spencer, an integrated marketing communications major. 


Before Harry joined the last portion of the interview, Markel shared her inability to get help for her mental health as the institution told her it would initially make the royal family look bad. Later, Harry shared that this was a turning point for him to take a step back from his duties as a senior member because he was concerned for his wife. 


As of March 9, the royal family has not put out a statement concerning the interview or any of the topics discussed. In the days to come it will be interesting to see what the royal family says or if they make a statement at all. 


“Honestly, I don’t think the royal family will speak publicly about the interview,” said Taylor McNair, an elementary education major. 


Since the two former royal family members are no longer a part of the business side of the family, they have started a new life in California and started an organization called Archewell. This organization was created to bring relief and charity to various areas that are in need of help and compassion. 


Fortunately, the couple shared they have had the opportunity to attend therapy and were able to get the care that was once before denied to them. Additionally, the two are excited to welcome their baby girl into their family of three this summer. This interview will bring the two closer and are able to use this experience as a way to recognize other toxic situations.

Photo by Jamia Johnson

By Sam Hyatt

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