Study spots around Winthrop’s campus

As the weather begins to warm up and schoolwork continues to pile up, students are finding themselves spending more time outside in spots around campus.

Since the beginning of COVID-19 in March 2020, students have been cooped up at home or in their dorm rooms. As a result of quarantine and social distancing, it seems that schoolwork has become more tiresome to complete than compared to previous semesters.

While there seem to be piles of assignments, discussion board posts and papers, finding places to study around campus rather than staying in the dorm room can give a boost of energy and motivation to get work completed.

Freshman exercise science major and Winthrop women’s soccer team member Sadie Guest said, “I like to go to the Coliseum where athletes can go to study hall because it’s quiet and easy access, but I feel like I am in my room more than ever.”

Winthrop’s campus has plenty of study spots. Many students find themselves working with others at the tables inside of the DiGiorgio Campus Center or at the private tables in Dacus Library.

Megan Jensen, a graduate student studying secondary English education, said, “When I was still on campus, I loved finding hidden corners of campus to do homework in where nobody would find me.”

With warm weather heading our way, students may find themselves adventuring around campus and claiming new spots to study.

Freshman exercise science major Izzy Giarrizzi said, “I like studying outside near DiGs when it is nice outside.”

Other places around campus that are both comfortable to do schoolwork and have nice views include the Campus Green in front of DiGs and the amphitheater. They are both open places that are pretty and great places to do homework with friends or alone.

Bringing a blanket or towel may be a good idea for the spots as they are grassy areas.

“I really like Scholars Walk and Campus Green,” Guest said. “Everything is so clean and in the middle of campus.”

The front part of campus does not get the attention it deserves as it is not the main part of campus nor the most popular place to hang out.

However, the benches and places to sit in front of Byrnes Auditorium are quiet places to study or complete classwork.

“I think the front of campus, the part facing Oakland Ave, is the prettiest part of campus,” said Jensen. “I love walking beneath the overhanging trees and looking at the front of Tillman, Bancroft, and Margaret Nance.”

Among the numerous beautiful places around campus, Winthrop has an abundance of tables outside that are perfect places to do work. They may not be in the quietest or most convenient places but can provide a change of scenery from a dorm room or the library.

While it is important to stay safe by properly wearing a mask, washing hands and social distancing, finding places around campus that are outside and quiet may bring a sense of motivation to students who are starting to feel burned\ out from their course load.

Photo by Kaily Paddie

By Sam Hyatt

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