The unique beauty of Winthrop Dance Theatre

Art at Winthrop comes in a variety of forms, but it is rare that students have the opportunity to see shows dedicated solely to choreography. The Department of Theatre and Dance presents Winthrop Dance Theatre, the first mainstage dance concert of this season in Johnson Theatre. The show runs from Nov. 7-9 at 7:30 p.m. and Nov. 10 at 2 p.m., with a special outreach performance on Nov. 8 at 10 a.m. The show includes eight dance pieces that have all been choreographed or staged by dance faculty.

Director of Winthrop Dance Theatre Meg Schriffen says this year’s show combines various dance styles and also features faculty members performing alongside students. “We will have a classical ballet piece to open the concert, a trapeze piece, a contemporary piece that features three of the dance faculty and one professional guest artist performing with the students, a jazz piece, and other notable works,” Schriffen said.

Sophomore dance major Danielle Owen is one of several understudies for the different pieces. 

“I’m the understudy for a modern piece originally choreographed by Maria Caruso, the director and creator of the Bodiography dance company. It is being restaged by Lauren Skrabalak for Winthrop Dance Theatre,” Owen said. “My favorite thing about Winthrop Dance Theatre this year is being able to work alongside Bodiography Charlotte members as well as my peers for this production.”

Junior dance performance major Donovan Granville is in three dance pieces choreographed by three different faculty members. 

“One of them is choreographed by Meg Schriffen. Her piece is about how we find our foundation, whether it’s spiritually or from friends or socially.” Granville said. “The second one is choreographed by Wanda Ebright and it’s about how different people can coexist. It’s very fun, jazzy and entertaining and it draws the audience in. The last one is choreographed by Emily Cargill and it’s about how as people, we set these certain boundaries on ourselves and how we go about when those boundaries are pushed or crossed, or how we can interact with others without crossing those boundaries.”

Granville, Owen and Schriffen all say that this year’s show is a culmination of the dedication and collaboration within the dance department.

“Seeing everything come together and just seeing how everyone has put their blood, sweat and tears in the rehearsals – just seeing everyone’s pieces come together with the costumes, the lights, the music is the final culmination of what Winthrop Dance theatre is and what we work so hard for.” Granville said.

“The contemporary piece that infuses students and professionals and the experience that this has been, the duet with text and collaboration with our theatre faculty. There are just so many examples of this sort of thing this year and it is exciting to see,” Schriffen said.

Tickets for Winthrop Dance Theatre are $5 with a Winthrop ID and $8 for the general public. Tickets are reserved seating. For more information, visit

Photo: Tate Walden/ The Johnsonian

By Laura Munson

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